Thursday, June 28, 2018

Join the Magic of Bitty & Beau's with a Cup O' Joe.

So, on the TV show, Born This Way, we were introduced to a mom and pop coffee shop out of NC and with a second shop in SC named Bitty & Beau’s.

Now, everybody who drinks coffee, practically needs to get that first or two…or three cups to get their day started, or the world pays.  I don’t think I’m THAT bad.  But, even the cup o’ joe means nothing if the barista looks like they’ve got something up their ass.

The smiles on Bitty’s and Beau’s faces are infectious.  We love MR kids anyway, when you connect with them, it’s magical.  To see them front and center running their own venture’s inspiring.

Crips needs parental units like Bitty and Beau’s that want to see their kids succeed, that want their kids in the thick of the world, not sheltered from it, held down by what’s perceived…and, also EXPECTED to become of them from society.

If you’re in that area, check ‘em out, give ‘em business, and join the magic.

Be good to each other.


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