Tuesday, February 13, 2018

Fat Tuesday!

So, to most, Fat Tuesday’s boobs, beads, and other debauchery, which fine and dandy, even fun until someone inevitably screws it up.  New Orleans here in the States really celebrates while Rio de Janeiro holds the crown easily.

For Catholics, such as Joey and I am, it’s the day before the Lenten season that leads to Easter.  Catholic rules say we should give up something we like for the 40 days leading to Easter.  On Fridays, we’re supposed to abstain from meat…unless you’re old or a crip, we’ve found out, which kind of seems a little ignorant when I think about it.

Now, before last year, I could care less about the season.  It was just something I was made to do by the parental units, then, Joey…at least on Fridays with the meat thing.  I thought of Ash Wednesday as Waste Away Wednesday proceeded by the next 40-odd days.

Then, Joey gave me the St. Joseph’s Prayer she’d been saying since she was a little girl, in hopes that it lifted my spirits since we were having such a hellified year.  I started seeing change, and have said it ever since every morning.

Anyhoo, last year, we gave up coffee.  Dude, it was hard, but we did it.  This year, Joey’s giving up cheese, which will be a true feat for her.  She LOVES anything cheese.  I’m giving up cussing. Well, for obvious reasons.  I read on FB, my cousin’s man’s giving up FB, I believe, signing off after he posted saying so.

So, if you do, what are you doing for Lent, Guys?

Be good to each other.


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