Wednesday, February 27, 2019

We've Arrived on Youtube/Loss is So Hard/Touring Joey's Tattoos.

Evening, Fam...

So yesterday, we got our first dislike on Youtube.

Instead of doubting ourselves, I decided to take the chance to make a vlog about not thinking of cripnesses as earning pass.  I told stories as examples, because we've heard it before from other crips as well as able-bodied people.

Over the years, we've had to cope with life lessons, one lesson being loss.  Now, we're not materialistic, but some things we've lost from either misplacing whatever to sticky fingers, have held sentimental value to us.  Joey talks about it in one of her vlogs today.

Finally, Karen and I helped Joey give a tour of her tattoos she's gotten over the years.  This requested vlog was fun for both of us.  I hope you guys get a better understanding of the mindset that goes into each of her pieces.

Until tomorrow...

Be good to each other.


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