Sunday, September 23, 2018

Getting Literate, Kid Jammin' to God, and Raw Fish...Oh, and a Busted Shirt.

Evening, Fam…

So, today, I finally found the PDF of the novelization of Halloween, which I’d been wanting to read, but since it’s out of print, the only copies I can find are on Amazon, but no Kindle version, so the print versions are vintage, which means $$$$$ the cheapest being $150 and up!  Yeah, not even for Halloween.  So, I looked for an online library since I heard they existed.

Guys, if you can’t get out as much as you’d like but like reading, but don’t want to buy the book, even Kindle version, check out Internet Archive.  It’s free, you just have to register.  Like most libraries, you can borrow books for 2 weeks!  BUT, NOT Halloween…I guess it’s waaay out of print, so I found a feed that said they found it as a PDF, so I did the grunt work to find it.  It still amazes me how much’s left out movies, even movies like Halloween.  Still, it’s way cool.

Then, we went to church, and Joey started giggling.  I heard it too.  There was a little boy, who normally sits in the front pew with his fam, but he’s short, so he sits on the floor in the aisle.  At one point when we’re singing, we hear him chiming in at the top of his lungs.  You know kids just sing songs they hear over and over.  It was so cute.

It reminded me of when I was his age sitting the pew, of course, you couldn’t see me since I was so little, but I made sure you could hear my little ass singing “AAAAALLLELUUUAAAA!”  Of course, I had no idea what I was singing, I just knew I’d heard it over and over and that the parental units were singing it…and I didn’t want to be left out.  It’s amazing what kids pick up.

After church, the Folks’d invited us to dinner since they’ll be gone for three weeks in the East to visit fam.  We, Joey and I, chose Grand Buffet.  We hadn’t had sushi in a while, that was a no-brainer.


I found the octopus, which Joey and I consider better that steak any day.  Dad helped me get my plate while Mom helped Joey.  Of course, we both got one of every kind of sushi and sashimi they had, but Joey didn’t get the octopus, so I shared some of mine while she shared a couple of her jumbo shrimp and a stuffed wonton.

There was a casualty, though, which Joey and I am still mourning.  Joey accidentally dropped a bit of octopus off her fork.  It’s one of those crip times when all you can do is watch it fall.  If we’d been home and had a reacher, we’d’ve invoked the 5 second rule, think I’m lying.  Oh yeah, and my new shirt had an issue.  Actually, I got it on Amazon large, which SHOULD'VE fit, but I guess this brand runs small.  No, it didn't eat to much, it just worked when we were leaving.

Now, I’m  hanging with you guys and watching Fear.  Good times.

Be good to each other.


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