So, I was on
Nextdoor, getting ready to bump up my wanted ad for a Wednesday/Friday
provider, when I saw a thread about the upcoming concert of the band,
Ghost. This wouldn’t be a big deal
except Ghost’s death metal band; although, they claim they’re not with blatant
Satanic lyrics they claim’re tongue-in-cheek while dressed like a demonic pope
and so forth.
OK, Midland
ain’t the most liberal city. We’ve got
pockets of open-minded liberals, but they’re swimming in a sea of
conservatism. The back and forth I saw on
this thread showed that. People talking
about demonstrating and closing them down and how dare the Wagner Noel host
them. The Wagner’s response was that the
band’s on a national tour, they’ve got no say.
The fact of
the matter is, obviously the band’s got an audience, even if it’s a small one
here in bodunk Midland, or else they sure as hell wouldn’t have landed
here. Also, like one or two open-minded
people said, it’s not you, me, or anybody’s business to judge what others
listen to. If you don’t like it, don’t
go. People shot back that it’s not about
the music, it’s about Satan.
Again, we
ARE in America, people are allowed to have their own religion whether you, me,
or anybody agrees like someone said in the thread.
What you
guys think?
Be good to
each other.
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