Monday, June 11, 2018

Healing Pain, Making a New Friend.

So, I got on the bus to deliver a shirt to but found out the driver’d already gone back to the yard, so I gave the shirt to another driver to give it to its owner when she gets back to the yard this evening.

I got off early and went to the shop instead.  T’Bro was there inking a young lady name Tina, who was getting her left inside forearm (spicy) done in a memorial theme for her dad, who’s been diagnosed with cancer.  It’s always interesting these stories, our loved ones go through their shit life’s handed them, so we want to share their pain if they’re still alive, or we bleed the pain out of losing them, carrying them with us on our skin until we see them again.

I dropped off a shirt I ordered for Tudy at Familia in O-Town for T’Bro to give him the next time he sees him since I figured he’d see him first.

Anyway, T and I caught up on the last week or so since I’d been in there.  He hadn’t been able to get a hold of Derrick, who we’d ordered a large grey shirt, unfortunately.  Hopefully, we can make that connection, or I’ll have a nice shirt to sell or keep.

Tina was cool, she told me about her restaurant in O-Town.  She’d told me she’d advertise the site and stuff for us there as well as tell her fam in GREECE…SO FREAKING COOL, HUH?!

 She was feeling it here. 
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Yeah, this morning started screwed, but turned out pretty cool.  Again, Guys, life hands you shit all the time, breathe, everything’ll be alright.

Be good to each other.


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