Tuesday, May 15, 2018

Inclusion Commercials-Let the Deaf Hear.

So, check out this UK commercial.  Isn’t it absolutely adorable!  It’s been on my twitter feed for a few days from actress, Rachel Shenton’s (Switched at Birth), Twitter page.  How freaking awesome is that?

We, in America, have got a long way to go.  Joey and I’ve just noticed crips in chairs in the background of commercials like Walmart…not meaning charity cases like, say, Shriners and such, which, don’t get me wrong, gets out there, but, again, it’s a charity case.  We rate better than that.

Consider this:  your world’s silence.  You’re watching Saturday morning cartoons, and a commercial comes on.  Now, yeah, you can see the kids playing with whatever and read the captions. 

BUT, NOW think of watching that same commercial, but the kids’re signing as they play.  Imagine how much more that you’ll get out of that commercial, how much more jacked the you’ll be to get said toy.

See what I’m saying?

Something to think about.

Be good to each other.


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