So, when’s enough
enough? When’s it time to tap out? In Johnny,
I hated on how Hollywood killed off made crips like they had nothing left to
offer after being said crip.
OK, but let’s
look at real world issues regarding calling it enough or tapping out when there
honestly isn’t hope.
Today on FB,
I read a feed about a British toddler, Alfie
Evans, who had severe epilepsy to the point of being in a semi-vegetative
state. defines this as “The
patient has altered consciousness which is usually severe but there are aspects
of awareness which are present, albeit inconsistently.”
his folks and the courts (on the side of the hospital) went back and forth about
what was in his best interests, his folks wanting to get further treatment and
the hospital wanting to pull the plug.
Alfie’d been
in the hospital since ’16 on life support with other hospitals offering assistance
for “better” care.
Now, whether
they really did have alternative ways to treat Alfie that might’ve helped him
or they were just trying to feed his parents empty hope, is between them and a
power higher than we can call.
Just a
couple weeks ago, Barbara Bush called it that she didn’t want extensive care and went to hospice. She died days later.
Mrs. Bush
was an adult and in charge of all her mental faculties. Alfie was neither.
So, who
makes that call?
Be good to
each other.
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