Friday, January 12, 2018

The Olympics/Paras Are Coming!

Good afternoon, Guys, from Jason!

So, next month the Winter Olympics come to us from Pyeongchang, South Korea.  They go the 9th-25th.  Joey loves the figure skating, so that competition’ll be playing a lot in our pad.  I like the figure skating as well as ice hockey, curling’s OK, snowboarding, speed skating, luge, Alpine skiing freestyling, and jumping, and bobsleighing.  The biathlon, not so much.  I know it’s all about endurance, and I appreciate that…it just ain’t for me.  Still, I’m looking forward to the pageantry, the triumphs, and the falls…the whole shebang.

Now, what most people don’t know is a month later the Paralympics’ll be the following month at the same venues from March 8th-18th with events like Alpine skiing, biathlon, crosscountry skiing, ice sledge hockey, para-snowboarding, and wheelchair curling.  Here’s the rub, the Paras won’t and don’t get the play the regular Olympics do.  Now the Rio Paras got the most TV time in history to my memory on NBCsp, but still you had to know, and then know when the blocks were going to be on.  Otherwise, the Paras were relegated to being seen on the net, which, apparently got good views, because the servers had some of the worst lag problems ever in our years of watching.  Joey and I’d broadcast it on our individual Facebook and Twitter feeds to spread the word with hopes that our friends’d get interested and spread the word to their friends.

Originally, I wanted to go to the Rio games a couple years ago, but Mom got us a cruise for our anniversary, so, damn the luck, we went to Roatan, Honduras, Porta Maya, Mexico, and Cozumel, Mexico…LOL!  Joey and ate iguana in Roatan…think shaved BBQ, but we had to be careful of the tiny bones.  It was a lot of fun, every place was accessible on the boat except the chapel, everybody was super sweet, and we didn’t want to get off after the week.  Anyhoo, the Paras are a bucket list.

 Needless to say, I hope enough people found the blocks that NBCsp offered, so they bulk up their coverage, or better yet, the parent channels swallow their ratings pride and allow the Paras their due…or, there could be another way that my provider and I’d come up with for a different but same situation…but, that’s a different blog.
Until then, be good to each other.


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