Thursday, March 7, 2019

Ruffling Feathers/Be the FIRST You/Spring Avon Calling.

Evening, Fam...

So, yesterday was a "stay in bed" day.  Not by choice, of course, I think I forgot which week Adan was going on Spring Break with his kids, so I branched out to push the site and our You Tube channel on The Mighty disabled site; however, my post was taken down, because apparently, I violated a guideline about promotion.  Hmmm.

Also, we finally saw Fighting with My Family, which's really good.  We love the part when the Rock tells Paige and her brother  to "not be the next rock, be the first you."

And finally, but definitely not least, Joey's throwing her Spring Avon party this Saturday.  Details're here.  I'm proud of her for sticking with it.  If you guys're in the area, come through!

Be good each other.


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