Tuesday, September 11, 2018

9/11-Still Relevant 17 Years Later.

So, today's the 17th anniversary of 9-11, and we've still got troops abroad, we have a wall with 2977 innocents' names, including my friend, Chuck's dad,

that died on that day alone...and, that's why 9-11's still relevant.  They were casualties of a war they didn't start, but they need to be remembered as heroes of the following war.

I remember I'd just gotten to English in college when the prof came in talking about it.  Soon after, all classes were dismissed.  I went to find Joey in the LRC library shell shocked.  We'd been arguing, but that all disappeared in its triviality in the gravity of what'd happened in NYC, The Pentagon, and PA.

It's like the generation that knows exactly what they were doing when JKF was killed.

I wrote this in creative writing soon after.

Daddy’s Not Coming Home
            Jason Rhode

“Children, come here.
Mommy’s something to tell you.
Something’s happened to Daddy.
A couple of airplanes hit two big buildings.
A lot of people were hurt really bad.
Daddy was trying to help them.
Then the buildings fell.
Daddy was under one of those buildings.”

“Was Daddy hurt, Momma?
We can go and kiss it,
and make it feel all better.”

“No Babies, I wish we could.
See, Daddy was hurt really bad.
So bad, he had to go and live with God.
Babies, what I’m trying to say
is that Daddy’s not coming home.”

“Maybe God needed a friend to be with.”

“Maybe, Babies, maybe.”

Be good to each other.


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