Thursday, June 21, 2018

Eating My Words.

Morning, Guys…

So, I come before you humbly to eat my words.  Monday, I said they WON’T ever solve XXX’s murder like Bigs and Pac, however, I still hold onto that knew recognized XXX was celeb, and therefore was marked.

This morning, I woke up to read a headline on TMZ that they caught Dedrick D. Williams,
a known felon, after an apparent chase, and booked his for murder in the first without bail.  If everything falls in line, after all the appeals our system automatically give people are exhausted, he’ll be getting the juice to go beddy-by.

Still, I wonder what the hell compels a man to do that to another…just for a purse?  Yeah, he was a celeb, but that DOESN’T necessarily mean he was carrying a wad of cash.  Williams could’ve just scored the purse, albeit, an expensive purse, and nothing more…and, XXX would’ve died for nothing more that being at the wrong place at the wrong time.  Just because he was at a dealership, doesn’t mean he was buying then.

Sad business indeed.

Be good to each other.


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